Let me start with Andy...We've had a great day here...Andy is getting so much stronger it seems with each hour. He's cut back on the pain meds and is really feeling good today. I am encouraging him not to get too carried away though, don't want him to over do. He's done his exercises, been on the machine for coming up on 6 hours, has taken a shower and says he really feels good. Thank each and every one of you for all your notes and good wishes...he's read them all and just can't believe that so many people that don't even know him have been so sweet...I told him...that's the way we are in Blogland...I think he understands now why I love Blogland.
Howie and Zack celebrated their 7th birthday today...so they took a break from guarding dad to have a little birthday dinner...Zack didn't let the candle stop him from putting his head right in the bowl...
I'm thrilled that I was one of the winners this month for Charming Girls Club...OMG, when I got the e-mail from Kelly telling me I was a winner I was doing the dance...what fun...I'm going to figure out my order tomorrow from Kelly's shop. Thank you Kelly for doing this for us.
Now for my

Congrats!!! Have fun shopping!
Happy Birthday to those cutie-pie boys who love to guard Andy! Glad Andy is doing well :^) Hope you get time to shop at Kelly's site and sew while Andy continues to convalesce.
Carol, I have been following your blog all summer - so glad that things are working out. I am amazed at your boys loyality - I have two Jack Russells who run from the camera. I too was an educator, and am considering following your dream of owning a quilt shop. I would love to learn from your experience when you have the time. Please email me at lyndag6185@aol.com if you are open to sharing. Thanks.
Happy Birthday to the boys!!! I'm so glad Andy is doing well. Tell him to keep up the good work and he'll be back to normal in no time :) Or even better than normal with that new knee!
I thought ..we were the only ones that celebrated "doggie birthdays"!!
Keep up the good work...Andy!!
Hard to believe you have had the boys almost 7 years now. Where's the birthday cake?
Glad to hear Andy is doing well. Certainly better than when I had my surgery.
Lucky you to get a win!
Well I think it is sweet that the boys each get a candle for their doggy birthday.
Andy doing well...another good thing to hear! My uncle had knee surgery back in May and had to go back this past week because he has all trouble with it...something about breaking up scare tissue etc. Not pretty...mom says lots of pain for her brother.
I have to tell you that I'm loving the fabric for Ginger Snaps...is it a particular line? Gorgeous whatever it is!
1. Glad to hear that Andy is up and about! The key is to keeo moving..slowly of course..but to keep moving. I bet he felt like a new person after his shower (I know 'cause I did nursing for several years)
2. Happy birthday to the BOYS! It is fun to be spoiled!
3. I was so excited when I saw your name on Kelly's site! I did the happy dance for you! What are you going to get?
Have fun shopping.
It sounds like all of you are doing much better. I am impressed that your husband is following drs orders and doing all the exercise and stuff. And your birthday pictures are good, too.
Woofs and tail wags to the boys!
They are adorable. That is great news that Andy is doing so well.
Happy celebration to all of you!
Awww - Happy Birthday to the boys! I'm so glad Andy is doing so well, isn't modern medicine wonderful. Your new project looks good - can't wait to see it done!
happy birthday to the boys :)
oh what a cute picture...
I have that book will have to look at the quilt to see which one your making
don't you just love her patterns I do!
lucky you can't wait to see what you buy :)
thats a treat!
so happy that Andy is doing well and Not overdoing it
hope the nurse is taking care of herself too.
Great! great! news.... sounds like Andy is doing very well.... and so is his "best" care giver! Keep on this track!
Happy birhtday to the boys!
Looking forward to your finished project! Don't you just love "Kelly's Little Shop"
So glad that Andy is doing well. And, I can't wait to see your project!
I love Miss Rosies's patterns.
Glad to hear everything is going so well at home:)
Happy birthday to your little buddies.
Congrats on your win. That is awesome.
You're so funny -- candles in the birthday bowls. Happy Birthday to the boys! And so happy to hear that Andy is doing well!
Boy, I've been gone for a while and you have had so much going on. Glad Andy is doing so well and hugs to him. Great photos of the kiddos from your earlier post, and great photos of the furry kiddos too!!!!
Boy, I've been gone for a while and you have had so much going on. Glad Andy is doing so well and hugs to him. Great photos of the kiddos from your earlier post, and great photos of the furry kiddos too!!!!
Good news Carol and you look like you picked the perfect project!
I just found your blog and wanted to say I love your version of Homeland Security. The picture of the two of them laying outside the bedroom doos is priceless. Good luck to Andy, and I'll continue to follow you.
So glad that everyone's doing well! Happy Birthday to the boys too! I'm going to have to go look that pattern up, I *think* I have that book. Pretty colors!
Oh more Hemming House!! I enlarged your picture to get a better look and that is going to be sooo cute!!!
I'm so glad Andy is doing good...let's see today is Wed. so he's probably out training for a marathon or something at the rate he's going lol!! Happy Birthday to Zack and Howie!! That's cute with the candles in their food. Do they get a special dinner too?
Glad to read that Andy is doing well! Happy b-day to Howie and Zack! Congrads on being a winner! Keep well! Cheers!
Sometimes when I'm blogging I find I hear the White Rabbit singing in my head: "I'm late, I'm late for a very important date No time to say "Hello", "Goodbye" I'm late, I'm late, I'm late, I'm late.
It happens when I miss posts like this one. Posts filled with the good news of Andy's progress in recovery and THE BOYS BIRTHDAY (so totally cute) and to find you've won big, too. Oh I definitely feel late.
And now I find I'm really late as you're working on a new project, a kit no less from our friends up here by my house. Oh I missed much.
Well, no use fretting over the milk spilled. I'm here now. Is late really better than never? We should ask the White Rabbit!!!
So very glad Andy is doing well. Happy birthdy to the furry fellas.
I'm so glad to hear that Andy is doing better -- and what sweet dogs you have. Can't wait to see Gngersnaps finished. Miss Rosie quilts are always so pretty. Sew Carol, Sew!
Haven't been here to visit in quite some time. Glad to hear the surgery went well... and those grandkids are absolutely adorable!! As are "the boys."
I have made Gingersnap! It goes together so quickly, you will love it. In fact, I liked it so much, I made it twice!
Ahh, I know you're busy but I was thinking about you at one particular time today. Thought I'd let you know you were on my mind. Warmly, *karendianne.
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