I haven't fallen off the Earth...but I have been gone way too long. I do have some excuses though...Josh, Katie, Hampton and Camden came last Friday and were here through Tuesday. Well, I had to do some serious cleaning before they arrived...so I spent the whole week before they came cleaning floors, windows, bathrooms (really clean), fronts of all the kitchen cabinets that were at Camden level and all the baseboards. My friend Jeanne called one morning and asked what I was doing...when I told her I was cleaning baseboards she asked if I had the queen coming...Andy had already been making fun of me...he thought I was being a bit obsessive...after Jeanne and I laughed a lot, I did admit that I was probably a bit over the top, but with the kids on the floor and Camden being the busy girl she is I thought I really needed to be as clean as we could be. They both have some allergy issues from time to time, and with the dogs I figured they had enough to adjust to.
They arrived last Friday and went back to Birmingham on Tuesday. I went and got Mom and brought her here too...we had the whole family here and it was so much fun. Mom had a blast! We crammed lots into a short time...the kids swam in the pool...Hampton loved Grandy's raft and thought it was a wonderful boat...

He figured out how to paddle all over the pool using his little kick board. He also thought this would be the perfect spot for a nap

...Camden loved the waterfall

...she never wanted Josh to move away from it.
We colored in coloring books

a lot

...we went to the playground in our neighborhood

...and they went to DowntownDisney and Hampton got his face painted

...he was the cutest Pluto ever. He really didn't want to go to bed, he was afraid all of his paint would come off on the pillow...a little came off but he still looked really cute when we went to Disney World the next day. I didn't take many pictures at Disney...we were way too busy having fun...here's one of them waiting in line to meet Buzz Lightyear...

Disney is such a wonderful place to visit with little people.
As they were getting ready to go on Tuesday I could hear Camden giggling in the living room...she was having so much fun...

trying to walk in Mamie's shoes.
We had a wonderful, wonderful visit...I feel like we laughed and smiled continually from Friday to Tuesday. I couldn't believe how quiet the house was when they left...Wednesday morning I kept waiting to hear Hampton call me from upstairs..."Mamie I'm awake"...can't wait to see them again. We'll head up there right after Christmas. Hampton wanted to know if he was going to have 2 Christmas' again this year...you betcha!
Before the kids arrived I did get Camden's Short Story finished

...this one was as fun to do as the little one for her doll carriage. I'm still in love with this Bliss fabric.
Well I know I just came back, but I have to tell you, I'm leaving again for a bit...Andy and I are taking a trip to Maine...we're leaving early, early Tuesday morning and we'll be back on Saturday evening. Our favorite pet sitters are coming to stay here with the boys...they're great and they just love the boys...so, I'll see you next Sunday...have a great week!
Oh wow I hope you will see some beautiful fall colors on your trip :-)
OMG, OMG, look at how big those little people have gotten. Hampton is so handsome and quite the little man and Little Miss Camden is precious. I know you had tons of fun. :-)
Enjoy your adventure!
WOW...your grandkids have grown so fast! It seems like just yesterday little Miss was born into the family's nest. How fun for you all to spend some family time together! I just know you were in heaven!!
My goodness look how they've grown - oh they are too adorable for words! It sounds like a wonderful, special time with family, that's the best, isn't it? Camden's quilt turned out lovely!
Enjoy your trip to Maine - I always wanted to go to Maine, take some pics for me, k? *G*
What a wonderful way to spend a weekend! Have fun visiting the autumn colors!
Soooo cute your grandkids are! Have a wonderful trip to Maine! Perfect time of year, with fall colors :o)
Face painting must tickle! Sounds like your time with the kids tickled you a bit, too. My goodness how the grandkids have grown, how does that happen? Hope Maine is wonderful. I'll look forward to hearing all about it when you return.
Looks like you've been busy. Have a good trip and enjoy the wonderful colours of the trees.
As they say:
But I DO miss you and always look forward to hearing from you.
I think being "abducted" by grandkids is way more wonderful...Looks like everyone had a great time!
Will miss you during the latest planned hiatus, but oh my goodness, a trip to Maine now is going to be oh so beautiful!! Enjoy, and will look forward to your return.
How absolutely adorable those grandkids are!! :)
Sounds like you've been having a lot of fun. Enjoy Maine . . . remember to wave on your way by me *s*
Family time is the best! Have a great trip to Maine...it is on my bucket list, I bet the fall colors will be gorgeous...enjoy!
Now that is a great reason not to blog:D
Congrats on your win I saw at A Quilting Life. How exciting.
What little cuties! It looks like you had a wonderful time -- you're so lucky you're close to Disney -- what fun! And Maine! You lucky, lucky girl -- I hope you have a great trip!
Oh fun pictures!! Love the Pluto face, and Camden in your shoes is precious!! They are getting sooo big!!! Where is the time going??
Have a blast in Maine!
Oh Carol! What a great post - I love it that all of you were together and had such a great time! Those kids are just SO cute! Love Camden's quilt - too! Hope you and Andy have a great time on your trip - wishing you safe travel!
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