Yes I am, I am a very lucky girl...last week I asked for opinions on irons...and I got lots of opinions. I read them all, and lots of you said that you've found using water in the irons is truly the downfall of them. I tried to use a dry iron and a spritz water bottle...I really, really tried. I guess I've been a steam girl for way too many years and just couldn't make myself like it. So I made my decision...went the cheapy iron route. The toughest part was finding one that didn't shut itself off too quickly...there were several that shut off in 7 minutes...they must be this Sunbeam classic

will stay on for 30 minutes of non-use before it shuts off. I've been happy with the results...good amount of steam and it gets nice and hot...and it only cost $19.99...I figure I can buy 5 of these irons if I need to for the price of my Rowenta...and it lasted less than a year. So, THANK YOU all so much for your help.
Today's mail came and look what was in it...

...Dawn from
Springwater Designs sent this to me. Her note said that she had this in her EBay shop and when she saw my post with my word, she knew she needed to send it to me. I LOVE it! Thank you so much Dawn.
Tomorrow is the

...and I'm ready...I have my project cut, my chick flicks picked out and my chocolate in the basket.

I'm very excited! I just told Andy that I was going to be sewing with my friends tomorrow...YIPPEE! Kelly asked us to work on a project that reminded us of our word for the year...Since my word is Enjoy, I decided that I would make a quilt for Mom for her 89th birthday in April, since one of my goals was to be able to really enjoy the time I get to spend with her...and what better fabric to use for her quilt...BLISS...which is pure enjoyment.
I'm looking forward to spending the day with lots of you tomorrow! ENJOY!!!
Looking forward to see you tomorrow..Aren't we the luckiest girls to have our moms still in our lives...
See you tomorrow.. I have to keep "Lessen" in mind! You ENJOY!
I'm the same way, I buy one of the cheapy throw-away ones and when it dies, just get a new one. It seems everything these days is made to just be trashed.
I'm trying out a T-Fal iron right now. Somebody said they had good luck with one so figured I'd give one a whirl. We'll see how she goes.
I'm glad you found an iron. I didn't offer any advise because I've had my iron over 20 years and it was just a cheap one. Now that I see you got a inexpense one (see how I made that sound better?) I hope that it works as well for you as mine has for me. And Sunbeam in a good brand.
Sounds like a plan to make Mom a quilt using Bliss.
I quit buying Rowenta irons. I figure I can replace a cheaper iron several times for the price of a Rowenta. I am using one you recommended a couple years ago. It does shut off faster than I would like but I work around that.
Yippie! Congrats. I have had 3 Sunbeams and I loved all of them. The only reason I didn't get one last time - they were out!
I'm glad you found an iron that works for you. I have a Sunbeam too that I paid about 19.99 for at Costco many years ago and it works just fine. Love that Bliss line and need to get some.
Your iron saga is exactly like mine...I wanted a Rowenta for so many years, thought it was too expensive, and my hubby bought one for my birthday. It did the same thing yours less than a year! I'm with you, I can buy a new Sunbeam and it lasts just as long! Hope to join in at some point tomorrow...have a prior commitment in the morning. Love your project! and choice of movies!
Yep, I went the cheapy route too. I do like it, it gets nice and hot, lots of steam - BUT - even though it's supposed to stay on 30 minutes, it doesn't. It shuts off frequently while I'm using it. So I'm still hunting! Let us know how it works out, maybe next time I'll get the Sunbeam.
I have to decide what I'm sewing tomorrow - I think I'll join in too! How nice of Dawn to send you your word!
I use an inexpensive T-Fal that I bought 6-7 years ago. It shuts sooner than I would like but warms up again quickly...
Sorry I won't be sewing with you ladies tomorrow- I have to work. I would love to say I will enjoy every MOMENT...anyway ENJOY!
I'm going to sew with you tomorrow and I want the basket near MY sewing machine. teehee!!!
It is hard to find a good stream iron, don't make then like they use to, i have a cheap stream iron it works pretty good...... Happy sewing!
I also went the cheapie iron route and I'm much happier!!! How nice of Dawn to send you your word. Looking forward to sewing with you tomorrow...well I guess it's today!
I'm using a Black and Decker Profinish iron I bought at an auction for $1. It shuts off after just a few minutes, but not while I'm actually using it. It's ok. I found an old solid bottom iron at an antique store a couple of weeks ago. No little steam holes on the bottom to make dimples on the fabric. It was cheap, too.
Good decision on the iron, Carol. I use irons SO much that maybe the "cheaper" route is the smarter route from now on.
I do use Distilled Water in my irons. Does it help? I have no idea - LOL
Glad you found an iron that will work for you and you are absolutely right...since most seem to fail quicker than we like why not go cheap. I like your way of thinking!
I'll be joining the sewing party today as well. But first a hair appt.
I went through the same thing you did with the Rowenta - not just once but twice. I have now gotten a cheap iron that will stay on for an hour and I love it. If it quits I'll go buy another and count myself lucky it only cost $20. blessings, marlene
Looks like a great iron Carol and such a good price. What a wonderful project for the sewing party. I just posted about my project for the sewing party.
I hope you have a great sewing day.
What a great plan to be able to ENJOY spending more time with your Mom. I no longer have that luxury, so enjoy every single moment that you can.
Woot Woot - can't wait to stitch with you today! So glad you got a new iron - and I love your sign! Enjoy!! Your mom is going to just love that quilt! So sweet!!
Carol, your mom is going to love the quilt, I just know it. Can't wait to see what you come up with.
My daughter has requested a Bliss quilt, I"m up in the air on the pattern, can hardly wait to see yours.
Good decision on the iron!
Love the ENJOY sign. Very cute.
Planning for a perfect day.....
I'd rather spend money on the fabric versus an iron.... Smart girl.
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