It took me forever to decide on my word...I thought and thought...more than likely over thought...but then this morning it hit me...in the quiet with my coffee my word came to me...
That's what I plan on doing this year...I plan to enjoy life...to get all the enjoyment I can out of everything I do. As I told Andy at the gym yesterday, it's all about my attitude. I can dread going to the gym, I can make it a chore, or I can enjoy my time there. I always feel better when I leave...I get to spend uninterrupted time reading my Kindle while spending time on the stairmaster...what's not to enjoy?
I'm going to enjoy every moment I have with my mom...she'll be 89 in April and I am so fortunate to still have her in my life.
I'm going to enjoy all the time I get to spend with Andy...aka Mr. Quilt Holder.
I'm going to enjoy the times I get to spend with Josh and Katie and my sweet Hampton and Camden...what blessings they are in our life.
I'm going to enjoy my sewing time...I'm not going to get bogged down in "stuff" that I really don't want to do anymore...I'm moving on...if I'm not in love with it anymore it's going to be out of here...be watching for giveaways...LOL!
I guess what I'm trying to say is...I'm going to ENJOY life!
I'm going to enjoy every moment I have with my mom...she'll be 89 in April and I am so fortunate to still have her in my life.
I'm going to enjoy all the time I get to spend with Andy...aka Mr. Quilt Holder.
I'm going to enjoy the times I get to spend with Josh and Katie and my sweet Hampton and Camden...what blessings they are in our life.
I'm going to enjoy my sewing time...I'm not going to get bogged down in "stuff" that I really don't want to do anymore...I'm moving on...if I'm not in love with it anymore it's going to be out of here...be watching for giveaways...LOL!
I guess what I'm trying to say is...I'm going to ENJOY life!
I love it!
My friend that word is absolutely perfect. See, it all connects - your 'heart' will sing when you take time to 'enjoy'. :-)
Thanks for the reminder...I need to hear it often!
Another great word! I think we are all on the same path, just using different words...enjoy your day!
Love your word...and what a great post!
You do well to enjoy your Mom at 89. My hubbys Mom will be 90 in March, and it has been an amazing blessing to have her and my FIL all these years. My own parents passed away when I was in my 20's, so these are the only grandparents my children have. Enjoy your year :-)
Excellent word, Carol - I'm feeling the same way this year, I picked the word "joy", because I want to do everything with joy this year. So good to remember to spend time with those we love and do the things we love to do and not get bogged down and stressed.
I'm thinking of making a mini-quilt with my word on it, to remind me!
A perfect word. How wonderful to still have your mom. I'm so lucky to have both of my parents. Dad will be 92 in July. Have a joyous year.
Oh I almost picked this word. It's a great word!! And a great focus for your life. ENJOY!
And don't forget the 2 four-footed furry pals that keep you laughing!
I luv the word ENJOY!......
Great word. Great plan! :-)
I love it....it's a great idea! Sometimes I forget to do that. We get caught up in getting things done and forget to enjoy the journey!
Oh Carol - you picked a really good one! You're so right - we need to just enjoy life and it is really all about our attitude! Wishing you TONS of enjoyment this year!!
Perfect choice!
Carol, that's a perfect word for us all! Life is too short not to enjoy every minute of it!
Your post really speaks to me, if I'm gong to spent the time doing something, I might as well enjoy it!
Thanks so much!
Carol, that's an awesome word, very good word to live by. Life is to be enjoyed. I'm with you on not sewing things I don't want to sew. I want to do sewing for me and not feel bad if I don't make something that someone asks me to make.
A very good word for the year. I have seen others choosing their word. Still thinking.
Great word! We all need to appreciate all that we have, and get more enjoyment out of life. I hope you enjoy so much in 2011.
Enjoy is good, what you intend to enjoy is great!
great word and one we all need to put to use in our lives--
Great Word! Life turns on a dime--- why not enjoy it?!?!?
Perfect word! Yes, I love it! That's exactly what I want to do and I'm going to remind myself to enjoy, especially right now.
Another great word!!! You guys are all coming up with good ones. I got nothing. lolol
What a great word Carol -- it's perfect!
Great word, mine is tolerance, that says a lot too.
good for you!
me too!~
and just enjoy my passion of quilting and stop fretting over finishing things or perfection
Happy new Year!
Perfectly chosen word! We all need to enjoy life...your post reminded me to do more of just that!
I feel like AnnieB - "Another great word! I think we are all on the same path, just using different words..." I couldn't say it any better. I look forward to how you enjoy your year.
Love your message and it is great that Kelly has us focussed on words that will provide meaning to our year. May your year be blessed with much joy. My Mom is 88 and I SOOOO love being with her too. XXX
good one! It's so agonizing to choose, but I kept coming back to the same word and it was FOCUS. I really need to because last year was a total scatterbrained year for me. I'm blaming on perimenopause!
And do enjoy this year with your hubby and your mom! It's so easy to get bogged down and engrossed in life that we forget to enjoy. Did you see the free drawing at TipNut, where you can win a necklace that has YOUR word of the year on it?
Great idea!
Like everyone else...I love it! I'm adopting it to go with my word...savor.
Awesome word! and I plan to adopt your attitude, if I don't enjoy it, it's out of here! Enjoy the process.
I like your word, Carol. I plan to do more of that too.
Yeah! that is an excellent word.. It will go well with my word "Lessen". You are so right about the attitude is the key to enjoyment...and that is my wish for you...Enjoy the journey!♥♥♥
Well spoken Carol!! It's all in the attitude and yours is right!
I have some fabric that I don't enjoy anymore. Can I send it to you to enjoy:) Great word Carol.
I just read your word and it is so similar to mine...JOY! I love how you explained that it is all about attitude. I, too, am seeking JOY in all my situations. Here's to a joyful year!
Yes, Enjoy!! I love it, and we all should each day...practice this word!!
Excellent philosophy!
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