Wednesday, August 24, 2011

I'm Just Not Like Other Bloggers :-)

...I can't figure it out...other bloggers write wonderful blogposts with titles...they have a title that refers to exactly what is in their post...then there's me...I'm like a pinball, I write a post about this and that and something in the world do I come up with a title?  I'm going to have to give this some do I revamp my blog and the way my little brain works...well, I'm not doing it today...I'll think about it tomorrow!

Today I want to share the most awesome spider web that I think I've ever seen...we saw this yesterday morning between our 2 neighbor's houses across the street...
...the houses are probably 30 feet apart....there was a bit of dew on it and the sun was coming up behind it...suspended right in the middle between the two houses each end attached to the hedge right up against the house...that was a very industrious spider...the glory of nature...truly amazing!

Now on a totally different subject...I've put binding on loads of quilts in my 30+ years of quilting...I've fought with the binding  every gets wrapped around, it gets hooked on the table or the chair or anyplace it can get caught..I lose it amongst the quilt...well this morning I was putting binding on this quilt, I had made it last week and rolled it up, I had the binding roll in my lap and unrolling it as I went along and all of a sudden the light bulb went off...I slid it on my lamp,
it was out of the way and it worked perfectly.  I came running downstairs to share my new learning with Mr. Quilt Holder...he was happy for me...but not as excited as I had anticipated...certainly not as excited as I was.  Oh I just love anything that makes life easier!  Do you have a tip to make things easier?  Share them with us please...leave your tips in your comment...oh this will be fun!

OK...I'll try to make my next post at least have related topics so that I can have a promises...LOL!
ENJOY your evening!


Ladybug said...

Writing a blog title just is how you want to express your thoughts it does not need to be fancy words etc..or pretty sayings,there are no
set rules in blogland how a title
"Must" be.. If so then I'm doing it
all wrong too.. :-) I encourge you
to just express your inner thoughts
who say we need a Blog Title..???
The Title will come as you are
writing the post... :-) Many times
I write the post then come the title before I publish... No need too labor so hard..:-)
Sometimes is just one word.. it's
a title...

Try this write your post in word doc and then watch how the title come into your mind.. trust me you can do it too :-)

Blessings / Hugs

Diane said...

What a great binding idea!You could also use a large spool holder - the kind that sits on your sewing table. I'll use it the next time I put on some binding.

Joanna said...

I agree that titling the blog post is a challenge. And if you are a prolific poster, you really have it tough. I also enjoy peaking at spider webs, as long as they are outside.

Melanie said...

Love the binding tip... The pattern of spider webs always amaze me and our cameras today can capture them.

Laura lok said...

great binding tip. writing a blog is not as easy as it looks i like what ladybug said good tip. remember write what is interesting for you to read and you will be fine.

Sandie @ crazy'boutquilts said...

LOL, titles aren't my strong point either. ;-) Just have fun with them! Love your 'binding hanger'. :-) I usually accordion fold mine and let it feed from a little box in my lap. Have a happy evening!

Janet O. said...

Funny lady--look at your blog archive. You do just fine with titles.
Fantastic photo of the spider web. I have been known to take a few pictures of those myself.
Clever solution to the binding tangle.

annieb said...

I struggle with titles, too, and sometimes think my title has nothing to do with the post. Maybe I should write the post first...
Sewing binding on is not one of my favorite things, but I lay it on the floor to my right and it generally unwinds as I need it. I just don't like putting binding on!

Darlene said...

You silly goose, your blog titles are great. :-)

Love the binding tip but now you need to show us that quilt because I don't recognize it. Please!!!

Shakerwood said...

It's your blog .... write what you want!

sunny said...

my blog posts often jump all over the place too, and it's hard to title them. I do a lot of titles with the word "misc" in them. We don't care about your titles, just keep on writing.

that spider web is amazing, but I wouldn't want to meet the spider! And the tip for the binding would work great on my sewing table. Thanks

Dandelion Quilts said...

My titles are never great either. Sorry no help there. I always enjoy reading your blog, whatever your title. :) A tip. Hmm. Usually when I make a bag, I use fusible fleece or warm and natural (if I am quilting it) on the outer layer...and I use Pellon decor bond on the lining. This makes a really sturdy bag.

Jayne Honnold said...

I enjoy your blog, and have never once thought you were flighty or unfocused. Don't worry about how others view your blog or how yours compares to others. Just write what you feel like recording - what captures your fancy - spiderwebs today? Why not? Tomorrow? You'll come up with something!! :-)

LibbiesHome said...

I am embarrassed to admit this, but I check in every time I see you post, but don't always comment. And I think your blog titles are great! You write about good stuff in the real world and that's just what I enjoy most. :)

Gari in AL said...

Shoot, with all of us reading your blog every time you write, who cares what the title is? We just enjoy following along behind you. ;)

Ray and Jeanne said...

Blogging should NOT be a chores so don't worry about blog titles - anything works and yours are great!

That spider web is absolutely awesome!

Allie said...

I don't know either - I hate coming up with titles, lol. I think you do just fine! Carol, thanks a lot, I'm going to have nightmares tonight about what inhabits that web...egads. It looks like something Frodo would run into.

What a brilliant idea for your binding. Mine rolls out of my lap all the time, I think I might have a lamp that would work on! Gorgeous quilt, when do we get to see it????? HM??

Quilts And Pieces said...

You know my DH never is exicted about the small things I get excited about either! It is a man thing I think!

Quilts And Pieces said...

Forgot to say that spider web is AMAZING!

pcflamingo said...

As I iron the binding, I roll it up and then slip it on my wrist like a bracelet and wear it while I'm sewing it onto the front of the quilt. I don't pin as I sew, I just hold it in place and sew. Works for me :D

suemac said...

I like your binding tip. I wound mine around an empty spool and then fed it little by little. That seemed to work for me.

Kris said...

Your title works for me!! LOL!! and I love reading your blog because you do have so many fun topics in one post - spider webs and binding holders - what more could a reader want!! :-)) Don't change a thing!! Kris

Marilyn Robertson said...

That spider web is amazing! I don't mind having spiders around if they are outside! Love the binding tip. I will have to give the lamp idea a try.

Francien said...

Well Carol...I think in the first place the blog is for yourself but its a absolute trill that people react to the blog and things one create and love for others to see...i love the comments on my posts...thats also why i am blogging.... and to see what others have made and give a reaction there...but i also think that titles of posts can people off..they just read it quickly and move on if the posttitle is not of there interest...i know i do to be honest...
And i am always amazed how spiders do that.. making such beautiful webs...somethimes when i walk through a thread it is realy strong too and i am afraid a very large spider will bite me for we dont have that big ones here in Holland..
and no...i dont have a tip right now but i do like yours and will try it out with my little daylightlamp...thank you....greetings Francien.

QuiltSue said...

I don't think you should change your blog at all. It's your blog, and you write what you want to After all, if you try and do what some others do, or try and be what others think you should be, the blog becomes a chore.

Oh dear I haven't expressed myself very well have I? I know what I mean, and I hope you get it too?

antique quilter said...

well I just don't title my posts, I stopped trying to think of titles :)
I like your blog just the way it is.

Stitched With Prayer said...

Well Carol, as I don't have a blog I'm not sure how I would be a titles either. But I thought the perfect title was right there in your post..."The Glory of Nature", then you could have added (and other things). But most of the titles I have noticed are about the first subject discussed and then they go on to chat about everything. I think the spider web is amazingly beautiful. I always love to see a lovely symmetrical web, covered in morning dew, sparkling in the sun. Thanks so much for sharing that gorgeous picture!

As for that pesky binding strip that most of us struggle with...I saw a tip in a quilt magazine last year that I have used ever since. I roll my binding strip around an empty paper towel cardboard spool and put it on a standing paper towel holder, mine is an old wooden one that is heavy enough it doesn't slide and tip over. It doesn't twist or tangle and it is delightfully easy use. I just stand the holder where it is the most convenient, on the floor beside me. I tried it on the table but the floor worked best. I use this method for both large and small projects because it makes it so easy. One thing I should point out though, is that as I roll the strip on the the cardboard spool, it start at one end and wind up and down, spreading the strip out over the the entire length of the spool...*sigh* delightfully easy.j

And now Miss Scarlett, I'll leave you to ponder your blog titles, for as you said "tomorrow is another day". *wink* :o)

Teresa said...

I can remember helping my son with a science project where we collected spider webs. We would find a big one, like this one, spray with silver paint, and then push a black piece of poster board up against it. They were still kind of fragile when they dried but the image held up. Was quite remarkable.

One of my newest tricks are what I call my block boards, a piece of cardboard with flannel on it. I trace the outline of the block onto the flannel and it makes laying out my pieces so much easier on blocks that used to take some figuring to keep everything straight. Once quilt..I made enough boards for an entire row, and that way I could lay out an entire row, stack the boards and sew away.

Karen said...

can you hear me singing: It's my blog and I'll do what I want to"??
ok..bad that was just bad! Anyway- it is just my way of telling you that I love your blog just the way it is- "all over the place". So is mine, when I have a chance to even think straight and post something. Today's spider web photo was awesome.there is something so lace like and beautiful about them, don't you agree?? And as for your little tip- eureka! Isn't it great to find something that works?? Keep writing blog post, zippy titles or not- I'll keep enjoying.

Pamela V said...

Take a longish necklace (I use a thick chain type), unclasp it and feed one end through the middle of your rolled binding. Fasten the necklace and put on the necklace with the binding feeding from over the rolled binding-make sure the folded edge is on the right side :-) I don't need to pin using this method and the binding is lined up nicely with the needle

Thimbleanna said...

I hate coming up with post titles too. And...I'm no good at coming up with tips on the spot either LOL! That spider web is Amazing. I'll see webs like that -- seemingly out in the middle of nowhere and wonder if spiders can fly or something. Thanks for the fun tip!

deb said...

YOU are an amazing blogger!!!!! ok heres my tip for binding.........send it to Cheryl (polkadots).....lolol..shes amazing!!!!

Barb said...

what a clever idea for adding binding! that spider web is incredible. what a blessing that you saw it and had time to photograph it.

Libby said...

I'm right there with you - clever titles are just not my thing. But fun things like amazing spider webs don't really need it. Don't change!

Abby and Stephanie said...

I say do what you want, when you want, because you want. No rules! Who needs titles or cohesive posts? Love the spider web and your binding tip.

snowlady said...

I enjoy your blog. I too have a hard time with titles on my blog. You are doing a great job. Bloggers are stopping by and commenting so keep up the good work. Stop over at my blog when you get a chance. I am having a giveaway.

snowlady said...

Ooops, I forgot to say I love that spider web photo. I just love photo's on blogs.

Pinkadot Quilts said...

I feel the same most times! I don't expect people to think of me as a pro blogger. I just enjoy sharing what I do and love to hear what people think about it.

Carrie P. said...

I struggle sometimes with the title too. It is okay.
I love spider webs. They are so cool.
Great tip.

Cheryl said...

I think your titles and posts are always me I always struggle with the title and pretty much my entire post :-)!!! Keep writing...we all love your posts!

Shelina said...

I like the title you chose, but another choice would be Industrious. Both you and the spider were being very industrious and clever! Great idea for the binding.

Rose said...

I will tell you favorite blogs to read are the ones that jump from subject to subject...or tell about what they are doing day to day. I feel like my Pics & Pieces blog is like that...most of the time.

I also love photo blogs and have a different blog for that...I have a hard time with titles for both of them.

Michelle said...

Ooooo, I'm still shivering from seeing the snake skin. Nature or not, not for me! Brrrr.....