Tuesday, October 11, 2011

This is Why I LOVE My Blog Friends

This morning when I opened up my computer to read the comments from yesterday's post, I found this wonderful comment from Nancy at Stitched With Prayer...

Stitched With Prayer said...
Carol, reading your post I had a thought about the end of the week reward plan. It occurs to me that if we truly want to accomplish serenity and wellness, we should reward ourselves at the end of each week regardless of how well we did...just so long as there is a sincere effort to reach our goals. I mean, if we don't get rewarded for our true efforts and remaining mindful of our objective, then wouldn't we start back in that rut of pushing so hard that we begin to lose the peace and wellness were working toward? Truly, I liken it to how I treat myself when I'm working on a quilt. Rather than leaving my sewing room feeling defeated and guilty because I didn't accomplish all I thought I should, I have been trying very hard to look on what I did get done, no matter how little it might be and rejoice in what I did get done. I'm just sayin...

Lightbulb moment for me...Yes Nancy that's exactly it...a sincere effort to reach my goals does deserve a reward at the end of the week.  From today forward I will be celebrating my efforts to achieve my goals...Thank you so much Nancy..

Today I'm celebrating getting back to the gym...my time on the stairmaster
and the elliptical
was fantastic...I felt so good when I got home...we went pretty early this morning so I had the whole rest of the day to do the things I needed to do today...and the bonus is that I have way more energy this evening than I have recently.  I also almost finished Hampton's Big Brother quilt today...just the last border needs to go on...that will be done tomorrow....so I'm feeling good!

ENJOY your evening...Carol


suemac said...

I liked your friend's comment. I know we are all too hard on ourselves sometimes. Glad you had an upbeat day.

deb said...

a workout is always uplifting!!!!!!

Stitched With Prayer said...

I have GOT to get back to the gym too Carol. I'm limited as to what machines I can use, but boy do I see a difference in my energy level, especially after a good hour of water aerobics (but they lowered the temp in the pool...brrr). I'm headed back Friday after several weeks away and I can't wait!!! Glad you had a GREAT day. Big Hugs...
*Don't forget to turn off the light bulb before you get in bed *wink*

QOV KCA Quilt Bee said...

Amen! Well...I'm off for a little getaway for a few days...my husband and I are celebrating our anniversary. Then I will have to get back to yoga and my walking!

Darlene said...

She absolutely hit the nail on the head! Glad you had a good day.

Janet O. said...

Thanks for sharing Nancy's wisdom with us. I needed to hear that!

Nedra said...

I believe that what you send out comes back to you at least 10 fold (if not more). Sending out happy, peaceful thoughts is a great way to surround yourself with the same.
And now that the weather here in Arizona is finally cooling down, I'm looking forward to more exercise myself.

JudyCinNC said...

Nancy certainly has a way with words and I always love reading them. Thanks for acknowledging her and yourself. Thanks Carol for sharing. Judy C

Michele said...

What a great observation......I'll have to try that. I'm bad about continually adding on to my list of things to do, even after I'm finished.

Melanie said...

I'm an ellyptical girl! The alarm clock goes off and I grab the sports bra and head downstairs and get to it... If I think about it, I'll talk myself out of it. I usually have a quilt that needs quilting draped over the weight machine and fat quarters on the mat in front of the ellyptical for inspiration... My best quilting is done at 5 a.m. on the ellyptical... Keep it up...

Anonymous said...

nice blog!