Friday, September 28, 2012

Home Again...And a Giveaway

I'm home...left these cuties...big brother and little brother...

and our soccer player...
I had the BEST time...time spent with the family is beyond amazing.  Katie and I got tons and tons done in the new house...lots of boxes unpacked, lots of stuff put away.  My plan is to head back again in November to do some projects.  Katie has an idea for a reading corner in the playroom that will need my sewing skills and several other projects.  Can't wait!

Since I got home I've been a bit under the weather...guess I just tried to do way to would say I need to learn to act my age...LOL!  I think I can still go like I did when I was 30 but it catches up with me.  Staying up way to late at night, up early with the kids in the morning, and then up and down stairs carrying boxes and stuff all day, not to mention the 8 hour and 45 minute drive both ways...I was pooped when I got home, but still wouldn't give in.  Well yesterday I had no choice, my body said..."You're're not 30 anymore" and I just gave out.  I think I slept the better part of 24 hours...oh my!  Today was much better, but I decided to take it easy, sit on the couch and do some binding.  I haven't even gone upstairs to the sewing room...there's always tomorrow.

So since I have no sewing to share with you I'm going to share a great calendar/organizer with you...

I won a giveaway a few weeks ago over at A Bright Corner I love it...I love it so much that I ordered another one from the developer of it...Picket Fence Publications 
It runs from August 2012 to August 2013... I love that it has 3 columns one for my schedule, one for Andy's and one for our joint activities or whatever else...

I love that it has a dinner planner and grocery list on the opposite page...

I love that it has these planning sheets for Thanksgiving dinner and a Christmas list right next to it so when you're with the family for Thanksgiving you can start your list...
There's also a Christmas dinner planner and final Christmas list...

I love that I can keep it in my purse (yes I carry a very large purse) and it doesn't weigh a ton...I just love everything about it.  So if you'd like one of your very own, just leave me a comment...I'll pick a winner on Monday at 11a.m. EDT...please make sure if you are a no reply commenter that you leave me an e-mail address.

Hopefully I'll be back this weekend with something sewing related.


Angie said...

Carol, those grandies are just too cute. :) I bet they miss you when you leave. Sounds like lots of fun---now put your feet up, girl. :)

sunny said...

I hope you're getting some rest! You need to be in good health when you go back to the grandies. That organizer looks great, and I love a chance to win. Thanks!!

Darlene said...

They are such cutie-patooties!!! I'm so glad you had a wonderful time with them - now it's time to rest your tired body. :-)
Take care of yourself.

That organizer looks like a fabulous idea but I wouldn't be organized enough to use it correctly. LOL

Donna~~ said...

Glad you were able to catch up on some sleep! I have to admit I get a deeper kind of tired now than I used to--takes longer to recover. Looks like a great organizer--thanks for showing us!

StitchinByTheLake said...

I can so relate to your tiredness - I keep thinking I can do what I used to but it just doesn't work that way. Now that I've returned to work I'm so far behind in everything else because I can't come home and do it after I've worked all day - I used to, but no more! blessings, marlene

marie said...

Grands are cuties. The organizer is great, would love to win it.

Melanie said...

Rockin' Grand babes!!!! I understand about rest catch just takes a while to get back 'in sync'...Glad you took tons of pictures.

Dianne Mitzel said...

Glad your trip was great, you better be good to yourself! That planner sounds great..would love to have one, thanks for chance at your giveaway..

KWILEY said...

Time with family is priceless and so not to be taken for granted! The lack of sleep is worth the time together.... hope you get rested soon!

LOVE the organizer!!!LOVE the aug-aug run....since I work in a school - that is more my "year" then Jan-Dec. Thanks for a chance to win! Kim

Unknown said...

Hope you are feeling better soon!

I think the organizer is going to be a big help. :)

God bless and keep you,

Linda (Petey) said...

My experience has been that being SuperNana is very tiring! Just cherish the memories while you rest. Funny how it is becoming more and more important to write things down and make lists...or not! Such a pretty take-along to put them in.

Kathy ... aka Nana said...

Been there, done that on thinking I can go and do like I did when I was 30 ... usually with my daughter and my grands ... until my body finally protests and reminds me that I'm double that age. When did that happen? ;-)

I definitely could use a planner like that ... and love that it fits in your purse - how handy!

Janet O. said...

You go, Grandma!! I feel like it is only my body that is aging. Mentally I still think I am young.
What a great organizer--looks like something I need in my life. : )

Vickie said...

I love that calender, I need that calender! Your grandkids are adorable too. You aren't old silly.

Diane said...

I helped my daughter move last May and was shocked at how worn out I was each night. My mother-in-law is still going strong and puts me to shame when it comes to work!

Your grands are darling. What a blessing to see them.

Cheryl said...

So glad you had so much fun, but sorry you are bit under the weather. Just plain worn out I would say. That orgnaizer looks amazing!!!

Unknown said...

Hope you are getting some much needed rest! I'd love to win a copy of the organizer. As my boys (5 of them) get older, our schedule gets more and more complicated each passing day! I need some help!

Gari in AL said...

That organizer looks grand. I used one for three years and then they discontinued it and I just couldn't adjust to the "new and improved" model. And, I haven't been organized since. ;-) Would love to try yours. Now, take it easy, you only have less than two months to get yourself ready for a return trip.

Me and My Stitches said...

Hope you are all recovered from your visit with the cuties. They really are all just adorable!

The organizer looks like a really great tool - who couldn't stand to be more organized!?

•stephanie• said...

it's no fun living far away from grandkids, i'm sure ~ waaaaaaay to hard to leave when you visit. they're adorable!. hope you get some rest now. i'm off to plant the first batch of geraniums for this year. i'm already tired and i haven't started yet!

Thelma said...

I just love a great calendar, count me in! I'm so happy to see someone else still uses paper calendars, most of my friends have gone to e-calendars. I tired, but when I missed my hair apt that was on my phone calendar I went back to my paper one. Thanks for the opportunity and Welcome Home!

Donna S. said...

Wow. that is awesome.

I completely relate. I have been doing a lot & been a little under the weather also. Aren't grandkids the best?

JudyCinNC said...

This calendar/planner concept seems perfect and what a great opportunity to win one. My reality truth at my age is that naps are good - welcomed and are guilt free. Taking care of yourself is your best gift to your family. Doesn't it just gall you to have to admit you are not as young as you use to be? Does me. Lol from Judy C

krisgray said...

I didn't nap until our son came along. He's 5 now but I still need that down time in the afternoon. Ooo - that planner looks great, esp. the 3 columns for separate activities.

Mary said...

that is an amazing calendar. Love watching your grandbabies grow up

deebriese said...

Carol: I just love spending time with my grandchildren also they just light up my life! I would love a chance to win. I could use some organizing!

Stitched With Prayer said...

Welcome home Carol!!! So glad your back and had such a perfect time. Now that your home and tuckered out, you need to catch your breath, take time to get your second wind and then get back to whatever your little heart desires! But not till your back to 100%. Now about that so cool calendar...I love it, but please don't put my name in the hat on the giveaway because I won your last giveaway, K? Good luck too everyone else. Big Hugs coming your way sweet friend...

Anonymous said...

The Calendar/planner looks great! All those pages for the holidays must be very helpful! I had to chuckle about your comment about not being 30. :0) I'm 53, have 7 grandchildren and when they all come around I realize I'm not 30 even though I don't want to admit that to myself! LOL I love doing everything with them but I'm pooped once its over! :)

Sandy said...

I need all the help I can get to be better organized.
I forgot the Alzheimers Walk!!
DH reminded me just in time, but had to back out of a "quilting with friends day."

Blue Skies said...

I, too, enjoy time with grandchildren and end up overtired at times. Love your new planner's features, especially those for meal planning and spouse activities!

Sherri said...

I have been looking for the perfect planner/calendar for years...this has so many good features and doesn't look too big (the latest one I've tried is just too big)!

Glad to hear you had a wonderful time!

antique quilter said...

oh this is what I need , I am feeling so disorganized lately! the ability to carry it in my pocketbook is perfect for me, thanks !!!!
hope you feel better soon, always enjoy seeing pictures of the kiddies, still amazes me how fast they are growing , seems like Hampton was only born last year!
Kathie who is telling you go rest right now!

Gill said...

This looks a great idea! I would love one!!!!!

Mandy Currie said...

Wow Carol, thank you for a lovely giveaway, I need a new organizer and this one looks really great. I do hope you are soon feeling well again and back to normal. Kind regards Mandy Currie (

Josie McRazie said...

Glad you had a great time! The organizer is way cute!

QuiltSue said...

Sorry you're feeling a bit under the weather now. It sounds like you had a very busy time with your family.

That organiser looks just what I need to keep me on the straight and narrow, I'd love to win, if I'm eligible as I live in the UK?

Anne said...

Hi Carol,

We had a great time too with the kiddos but the morning after we got home we didn't wake up until after 9am. Don't think we've ever done that. Unreal how tired you can get, huh?'s the best kind of tired there is!

Domestic Diva said...

Looks fantastic! Thanks for the chance.

lovelydomesticdiva (at) gmail (dot) com

Ranch Wife said...

Wouldn't it be nice if we FELT how old we THINK we are? Honestly, they invent everything else. :) I agree though, time with family is priceless and worth the day or two it takes to recuperate. I'm behind on my blog reading, but I hope that you are feeling well enough for cartwheels. :) Looking forward to all that you have planned for the reading nook!

Merry Merry said...

This organizer looks like it could tame my life. Or part of it! Repeat after me: napping is good...Feel better!