I'm not sure I ever worked so hard, or maybe it's just because I'm older than I was when I started the shop...WOW!
The last gal came today and picked up her furniture...then at 2:35 the property manager came to walk through. She kept saying...It's so clean...I wanted to say "Well yeah" but I thought I better be on good behavior. After chatting for a few minutes I handed her the keys, and the check and off I went! One very happy girl. I loved the shop for all those years and now I really think I'm going to love my new life.
I came home and even sewed a bit...nothing to show, but I think I'll have something tomorrow!
Thanks to all of you for stopping by and sending your good wishes...now you know you're going to hear from me lots more often...hope you're ready for this.
Have a wonderful evening...
Oh wow!
I really wish you the very best. I know a lot of quilters want to open a shop and don't really think of all the hard work involved in it.
Now you will have time for all those things you never had time for before!
Weren't you a tad bit sad looking at that empty place you spent the last 7 years in? It made me tear up just looking at it. Brought back my ordeal a year ago. I know you are happy to be done and I'm happpy that you'll be a bloggin fool now as my Boo says. LOL
CONGRATULATIONS! How wonderful. I'm green with envy, hopefully I only have 6 more years to go.
Congratulations - now relax and enjoy!
OK--at the risk of sounding condescending, " I'm proud of you.." You've made great choices and have an outstanding outlook. You've paid your "dues" and you are at a point now where things aren't going to tie you down. And the Plus side of it all is the great memories...I can't wait to see your sewing projects...
I was sitting here reading your blog, and after a while I realized that I have been in your shop some years ago! I was in Florida with my family on vacation and spent a day with my cousin who lived up in Mount Dora. I had pointed out some quiltshops I wanted to visit, and your shop was one of them! I had a wonderful time in your shop and bought a lot of fabrics and patterns. Some of the fabrics I still cannot afford to use! :o) A friend was going to Orlando a couple of years ago,and I told her to visit your shop, which she did, and liked what she found! Well, it's sad for me your shop isn't there anymore, but good for you! Good luck with your retirement!
Enjoy your new retirement, Carol. I'm sure your customers will miss you dearly.
Congratulations!!!! A milestone day with an ending and a whole new beautiful beginning. Enjoy *s*
Awesome--now on to lots more fun things!! :D
It looks kinda sad to me, but I know you did the right thing! ENJOY, ENJOY!!!! I know you and Andy will have the most joyous of times together, just loving every day.
Congrats! But that empty room is kind of sad. But I can't wait to see all the new things you get to make now!
I'm so sad to see the store empty. I stopped at your shop everytime I came to Florida (from Michigan). I called and had Sue send me a large selection of plaids during your last week and love them. I'll have to make something really neat from them to remember your store. I hope you enjoy retirement!
starting a new chapter in your life! how exciting for you. It sounds like you made the right decision. NOW--go have some fun! And stay in your jammies all day and sew! And take long walks! and then sew some more! for YOU! :)
Hooray!I think you are going to have a great time!
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