Tuesday, May 03, 2011

I Always Say...

I get by with a little help from my friends...well, I really, really need some help.  I have a good friend who has dedicated almost all of her sewing to making patriotic pillowcases and quilts for our servicemen and women.  She has made it her project to make sure that every member of the service that she comes in contact with gets a pillowcase to remember home.  Whenever she goes to an airport, she has her carry on bag full of pillowcases...she goes to the USO room at whatever airport she's in and hands out pillowcases or if she saw a service person at a gate waiting to get on a plane, she would give them a pillowcase.  Now that's not all, she organized her friends for the past several years to make pillowcases, she taught ladies at some area churches how to make pillowcases, she held workshops...she was tireless in reaching her goal. The first year she took what she had to Walter Reed Hospital, the she heard about Ft. Gordon in Georgia. She's gone there for the past 2 years.  Last year she had 300+ pillowcases and if I remember correctly almost 50 quilts that she and her husband delivered to the wounded soldiers in the hospital and the rehab center there. She's an amazing, dedicated, giving woman and I am so honored that she allows me to help.

OK, well you're probably thinking, Where in the world is she going with this?  I had breakfast with her last Friday, we had a wonderful visit, got all caught up, ate our breakfast and she said "I have something to tell you."  My heart skipped several beats, because I just knew it wasn't going to be good.  She told me she had just found out that she had cancer.  She's had some trouble with her hip and it's gotten very painful.  Her doctor ordered and MRI, didn't like what he saw and ordered a PET scan...her hip lit up as did her lung and an area in her abdomen.    She was so positive, her faith is so strong.  She said "Carol, there's a reason for this,  maybe my work is done here and there's other work for me to do."  Then she went on to tell me that the pillowcase project would go on, she'd already made arrangements to go back to Ft. Gordon and they'd be counting on them.  She went on to say that she may need some help making the delivery, if she can't go she asked if Andy and I would make the delivery...she promised she'd have it all arranged...all we had to do was drive up there.  OMG!  What a woman...she has to take care of this.  So I assured her that we would do it.  She called today and had the report from the doctor, it is confirmed in her hip, pelvis and Stage 4 in her lung...he said 12-18 months. 

Here's where I need help...I'd really, really like to be able to have tons of pillowcases for her this year.  The trip will be probably after the summer...so I'm asking you all, if you have a bit of extra time and could make a red, white and blue pillowcase or two for her project, I'll get them all delivered to her.  I know it would mean so much to her and to the soldiers.

Thank you, my friends.  If you would like to help out, just leave me a comment with an e-mail address connected to it.  I'll send you my address.  Thank you!  Thank you!


Jayne Honnold said...

I can't think of a more worthy project. I will try to make some for you. Please extend my heartfelt prayers to your friend. She sounds like a special lady.

Kim said...

Count me in. Your friend is an amazing lady.

Barb said...

I can donate three pillowcases....and I am sor sorry for your friend but what an amazing example to us all....you are lucky to have such a friend.

NoahStitcher said...

I would love to help with this project. I sponsor a high school Interact club and we will make at least one pillowcase per club member (21).

Loris said...

Amazing woman! Please tell her she has my support and prayers. I can definitely make some pillow cases. Just let me know where to send them. Thanks for helping her out. Her pillowcases are a blessing to the servicemen and women and She is a blessing to all of us.

Anonymous said...

I'm sitting hear with tears running down my face after reading this Carol. She indeed is one special lady. We are a retired military family and always appreciated the support of folks like her! I'll try my best go get some to you. Is there a simple pattern somewhere that is used for this sort of thing? I've seen patterns but wanted to know which one is best.
Perhaps your friend could use a quilt herself? Did you want to have us make some blocks real quick for a quilt?

Carol said...

Oh Carol, so sorry about your friend. I would love to help out with a couple pillowcases. She sounds like an amazing lady.

Cheryl said...

Tell me where you want them sent. I am sure I can get some made, and enlist a few friends. Your friend is a special person and it will be an honor to help her in her crusade.

Yvette said...

I am so sorry to hear about your friend. This is just about the same diagnosis my mom got 2 weeks ago.

I will support in any way I can. I guess I had better learn how to make pillowcases and fast.

Cathy said...

I can do it. Your friend sounds like an amazing woman and the cause is so worthy.

Chelle (Dana) said...

Oh Carol, please give your friend hugs and love from me and my family. I'm sitting here with tears rolling down my face after reading your blog. She sounds like an amazing woman and I wish I could be half the woman she is. Please let her know she is in my prayers and she has touched me and so many others with her selflessness. We are a military family and my DH is retiring next year. The support I've seen for the military has been wonderful and very touching. If you will let me know of a pattern and what types of fabrics, I will get my sewing machine going.

Gretchen said...

Count me in! I will be happy to help.

Sharon said...

Carol, add me to your list and send me details. So sorry to hear about your dear friend, give her a hug for me.

Tina H. said...

I am sorry to hear the news regarding your friend. What a special person--still concerned about others while facing her own health matters.
Are these supposed to be patriotic fabrics or any red, white, and blue. Please send address.

Darlene said...

You know you can definitely count on me. I'll get busy soon. :-)

You're a dear friend, Carol. Here's a (hug) for your friend.

Sherrill said...

Our church group has made tons of pillowcases for a variety of causes. I think we can make some for this one as well. Will talk to them Thur. when I'm up there.

~Laurie~ said...

I would like to help you too :) I liked the sentiment from Mary/Quilt Hollow. Would you like some blocks for a quilt for your friend? Also, if you do have a preferred pattern - please let me know also. lauriebecker1 (at) gmail (dot) com

Nancy said...

Will be happy to make some pillowcases. What a story and what a special person your friend is. Count me in.


sweetbabies00 said...

This makes you really think about what is important. What a special person your friend is! Please send me an address and I will make some pillowcases to honor your friend as well as our service men and women.

AnnieO said...

Oh, that is just so sad about your friend. What a scary thing she is going through. I hope the doctors can help her with the pain.

I'd like to help with her pillowcase project! I will make two pillowcases. I know a website that has a free pattern http://www.maryquilts.com/pillowcase/
Hope that helps.
vtaannieo (at) gmail.com

Cheryl said...

Please count me in. My prayers and thoughts are with your friend. What a wonderful example she is and what a wonderful friend you are. ((hugs))

QuiltSue said...

I'd like to make at least one, but I don't know how to do them. Are there any instructions anywhere?

Wendy said...

Happy to help. May your friend be blessed through this difficult time and you be given strength to carry out this generous task.

Laurie said...

I will be very happy to contribute with several pillowcases. I share the sentiment of the many people who have commented before me. What an amazing individual. Please send me the information nicholls5 at prodigy dot net.

Abby and Stephanie said...

Carol, I'd be happy to make pillowcases. Your friend sounds like an amazing lady.

Gypsy Quilter said...

This is such very sad news, Stage IV. But of course Dolly and I will help.

Me and My Stitches said...

So sorry about your friend. I would love to donate some pillow cases.

Michelle said...

What an amazing woman! I'm in.

Lori said...

She sounds like a very generous woman. I'd love to help.

Bonnie said...

I would love to help. Please send some instructions, what kind of fabric etc. Thanks for helping carry this project on. Sending hugs and prayers for your friend.

Barbara said...

I think what a real angel she is. I would be happy to help. Please add my name to your list.

Nancy Anne in the Finger Lakes said...

What an incredible woman and what strength of character she displays. How can I say no? I will definitely make some pillowcases up.

Impera Magna said...

I would like to help out... will start working on the first pillowcase this weekend!

BunkHouseQuilts said...

Hi, I jumped over here from Quilt Hollow. My husband and son-in-law were military. I have had cancer. How can I not help this wonderful lady? I do QOVs and have a whole drawer full of patriotic fabrics. Count me in~!

Tiffany said...

I can definitely get you sent a few after this summer or at least towards the end of the summer if not sooner. Thank you for letting us help out! Can you please email me your address or where these should be sent so I can save that information?

Dirt Road Quilter said...

Add me to the list please! I would love to make some pillowcases for such a worthy cause. I just made 14 blocks for the "Just One Star" program. Our servicemen and women desearve out deppest gratitude. I will keep your friend in my prayers and send along pillowcases quickly. I just picked up some red white and blue fabric yesterday and now I know why!

~Niki~ said...

I would love to help. I'm wondering what pillow case pattern you use for these. I am no good at sewing w/o patterns. LOL

WoolenSails said...

I have been wanting to make pillow cases and would love to help her realize her dreams of helping so many soldiers. Please send me you address and what type to make and I will be happy to make some for her.


Carrie P. said...

Oh, Carol I am so sorry to hear about your friend but I do admire her dedication. I will be glad to help out.

Wonky Girl said...

So sorry to read about this, she is a special friend to you. Send me info and I will sew some pillow cases. My DH has 24 yrs in Army, I had 22 of those with him.

Mary Ann said...

I would be honored to help. I have a quick serger or regular sewing machine pillow case tutorial on my website. Here is the direct link.


Mary Ann @ RocknQuilts

www . rocknquilts @ live . com

Joyce said...

Would love to help out with the pillowcase project.

Lynn said...

Email address please!!

Maureen said...

Count me in.

Quilt n Queen said...

Yes, I will make pillow cases...just let me know where and when to mail them..... just sent off the 6 blocks for "Just One Star" last week.... honored to help!!

Sandy said...

I came to your blog through Polka Dots and Rick Rack....would love to help this lovely lady...count me in.

JudyCinNC said...

I will certainly participate. I would have loved to have been a friend to such a giving person and helped with her mission. Please email me the particulars. Judy C in NC www.judyandmartyn@nc.rr.com

Julie said...

Count me in. I'd love to help out.

jan goerke said...

What an inspiration this woman is!
I'll be encouraging my regular sewing group on Thursday to participate.

jan goerke said...

Oops, forgot my address:


Thank you for sharing this opportunity.

JoAnne said...

What a special woman and I'll be praying for her. Meanwhile, I'd like to help. We are an Army family and have been assigned to Fort Gordon three times.

LisaT said...

I'll see what I can do. Please send along your address. Sure wish I was part of a guild though!

PunkiePie (Jen) said...

YES! I will help!

NancyA said...

So sorry about your friend--sounds like a very wonderful, compassionate woman. I would love to help; the number will depend on when you need them.

Laurie said...

Count me in for a few pillowcases.
Here's my email:

MARCIE said...

Count me in! I am sure you will keep us posted on your blog, so I will be watching. Your friend is so compassionate and I love what she has been doing. I send prayers to her in her own current battle. I know she will be blessed for all she has done and for the love that has motivated her.

onlymehere said...

Where could I get a pattern for the pillowcases? I'd love to help out.

Yvonne said...

Wow....what an amazing woman. I'm in.

Patricia said...

I am sending positive thoughts and prayers to your friend, her family and to you. Let me know where to send the pillowcases and the deadline.

~Kristie said...

Please send me the address... I'll be happy to help :)

Yuki said...

Glad to help. Count me in.

ttfn :) Yuki

Susan said...

I would love to help with this project :o) My son is in the military so these kinds of projects are very near and dear to my heart.

Sharon said...

Count me in and I'll rally my friends. I'm a survivor, coming up to 2 years. Bless her for wanting to do this. Sometimes if we do for others, we don't think so much about the 'stuff' in our own lives.

Melinda said...

I would be happy to help.

Jen said...

I'll send what I can ASAP - jdancy at sbcglobal.net

Thanks for putting the word out!

Della said...

I want to help.

Allie said...

I will be praying for your friend! What a terrible diagnosis. I'm going to look in my stash and see if I can find some red, white and blue fabrics.

Renegade Quilter said...

Count me in for several. I will start this weekend. Email me your address so I can send them to you.


Paula, the quilter said...

I already make Quilts of Valor so adding a pillow case or two will not make any difference. Count me in.

Rhonda said...

Just tell me the proposed size and I'll get some done up.

mascanlon said...

Sign me up. I'll get some off in August. New grandbaby due in 2 weeks so I'll have a busy 6 weeks or so but I will make time for this. And I'll keep your friend in my prayers.

Stitched With Prayer said...

Carol, I have never made a pillow case. I've not been at my sewing machine for over 4 months some health issues, but I expect to be back at it in the next couple of weeks. I know they will be easy, but if you can give me some simple directions, I would love to try to help. One last thing, could I have your friends first name? I would like to put her on our prayer chain at church. I will also be keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. God Bless...

Evelyn said...

I would love to make some pillowcases for you! I'll get right on it!

Janet said...

Absolutely!!!!!!!! I've been making pillowcases and converting them into dresses for Little Dresses for Africa. There are many wonderful easy free pillowcase patterns on the internet, including AllPeopleQuilt.com, Quiltbug.com and Maryquilts.com, as well as Facebook tutorials. Please send me the contact information and I'll get to work ASAP. I have some patriotic fabrics, and Northwoods/camping themed fabrics if acceptable. Would you like some feminine ones also?

Tara said...

Wow--I would love to help. Amazing story, I hope she knows that her legacy will live on. Please send your address. July is my bee month and I think I will ask for pillow cases instead of blocks.

hadacres said...

Please send me a mailing address, I will send you some cases. hadacres at comcast.net

Betty Lou said...

She truely is an angel on earth. i would be happy to make some pillowcases for her. Just got a QoV back from the quilter and have some patriotic fabric left over. Send me your address.

Toni said...

I would be honored to help out. Please forward your address to me.

Unknown said...

I would be more than happy to help you with your friends project. I have quite a bit of patriotic fabric and will send as many as I can to you. Our son-in-law is in Afghanistan, and we truly appreciate everyone's support of our servicemen and women.
We will pray for your friend and her family - bless you and them.
Linda (dbridge2@twcny.rr.com)

Laura said...

Your friend is an amazing woman.I would love to help her cause. Just send me your address and I will organize my friends to sew red, white and blue pillowcases.

Melanie said...

Hey-- I'm there--- I can make a couple pillow cases. You may need to walk me through by telling me where to find the pattern... But -- wow...it is the very least I can do. My heart hugs both you and your friend....

Becky said...

Carol, your friend is an inspiration to all of us. I'd love to make some pillowcases. I have plenty of red, white and blue fabric:)

Dawn said...

Carol, I'll donate some pillowcases and spread the word too. Prayers for your friend and you!

Deb said...

I would be willing to donate some pillowcases, just drop me an address and a firm "need by" date and I'll help out. I know I have a pillowcase pattern some where, but if you have an easy one, it might not hurt to provide as well.

Wendy @ Ravenwood Whimzies said...

Such a sad yet inspiring story - I would love to help - please send me some information and I'll get right to it!

Vicky said...

Carol, I blogged a link to your story. Thank you for picking up the project!!

Juliann in WA said...

Count me in too.

Shanna said...

What an amazing woman...how much faith she has in the face of what would crumble most people. I would love to contribute!


Stitched With Prayer said...

Carol, I am so sorry, I accidentally deleted an email from you about the comment I left yesterday. It went to my 'Junk' folder (I don't know why because you are in contact list) but just as I clicked the 'Empty Folder' button I noticed the one of the messages was from you. Once again, I apologize and was wondered if you could resend the email??? I promise it won't get deleted again ... below is my original comment. I am leaving it again because I didn't want you to have to search for it.

Carol, I have never made a pillow case. I've not been at my sewing machine for over 4 months some health issues, but I expect to be back at it in the next couple of weeks. I know they will be easy, but if you can give me some simple directions, I would love to try to help. One last thing, could I have your friends first name? I would like to put her on our prayer chain at church. I will also be keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. God Bless...

Needled Mom said...

She sounds like an amazing woman. My heart breaks for her.

I will be glad to help.

Love Bears All Things said...

Wow, what an incredible post...I will make two...I assume you want something with flags, stars etc in red white and blue.
Mama Bear

Tammy said...

having just recovered from kidney cancer, there is nothing I would love more than to help someone so generous who is beginning the fight of her life. please count me in. tediber19@yahoo.com

Chris Wright said...

Wow, heart breaking and inspirational at the same time. She sounds like an amazing person as well as yourself for helping her and giving her peace of mind. I would love to help. I have some time I can certainly help out. I just need to know where to send them.

briannaecallaway said...

I will gladly help and send a pillowcase.

Raspberry Hill Crafts said...

What a great, wonderful friend you have...I ain't great at making pillows but dam it I'm givin it a try. Just email your info.

Anonymous said...

I'd love to help, send details to miasgam1@yahoo.com

Carole said...

Wow Carol! What can I say? I just lost a dear friend to cancer! Goodness! Will be happy to help you. Would you e-mail me your snail mail address please? Can I use any pillow case pattern? I think BH&G quilting has one on their website or do I need a specific one? Thank you for sharing! Hugs!

Teresa Silva said...

Please send me information...I want to help with this wonderful project. Your friend is amazing.

cakegirl said...

Count me in.

Unknown said...

Count me in!
Hugs to you. This will be such a difficult time.

sfnutcase said...

We've dealt with cancer in the past 2 years. Very scary! We had excellent support teams at the hospital and cancer center. Wishing your friend all the love and prayers she needs. I'm in on the pillowcase project.
sfnutcase@yahoo.com MaryJane

McIrish Annie said...

add me to your list. I'll pull my RWB fabric and make as many as I can.

Anonymous said...

I would love to help... o Carol, I am so sad for you and for her, but she sounds like an absolutely wonderful person and I would love to be a part of this. Do you have a basic pattern? I actually have never made one before.

Unknown said...

My prayers go out to you and your friend. I would love to help with your project.

Sinta Renee said...

Absolutely Mary, you can count me in. Let me know if there is anything else I can do to assist you with this project.
give your friend a hug for me.

Ladybug said...

What amazing friend you have,her
story is so touching, she has
my support and prayer, I can donate
two pillowcases.. Please forward
(email) me the information where
send them...
Warm Blessings

Danice G said...

I will sew some red, white and blue pillowcases for this worthy cause. Click on my View My Complete Profile, and under my Profile photo is a link for a contact Form where we can communicate. Several of my blogs also have Email Me images under my Welcome! photo in right sidebar. God bless you all:)

Unknown said...

I'm in! Please send me the details.


Patty said...

Count me in. God bless your friend.

Red Geranium Cottage said...

Oh Carol that is so so so sad. I'll make some pillow cases for you too. That just breaks my heart. God bless her and her family.

Sheila said...

Count me in. Sheila

Paula said...

What a wonderful giving lady. Of course you can count me in. I will also present this to my quilt group on Monday. Bless your friends heart she is very special person.

Paula said...

Don't know if my email came through

Becky said...

Are the pillowcases supposed to be patriotic? I would love to help no matter what.

Janet said...

Don't think my email address was attached. I'm in- where and when? Just Patriotic fabrics or are Northwoods- feminine-other masculine fabrics acceptable? Thanks so much for doing this! Janet

JoEllen said...

Count me in

jirons42 said...

My friends and I are planning a little sew-in day to help you out.

Larry and Rhonda said...

I am a beginner but will make a pillowcase for a soldier.
larryandrhonda@juno dotcom

Angie said...

Oh Carol, I am so sorry! Count me in too. Let me know what you have in mind, as well as mailing info. Sending hugs to both of you.

Juliesa said...

I'll help. Please tell your friend "Thank you" from a non-serviceman who appreciates her kindness to our heros.


Unknown said...

God Bless You and Your Friend. I will definitely contribute pillow cases. Please tell me where to send them and I will be praying for your friend. God has truly used her and you for his purpose and she will surely be blessed at His side. Prayerfully, Jeanna

Anonymous said...

I would be happy to make pillowcases....and prayers for your friend.

Stacyjo said...

Carol ~ I would love to help -



darlynn said...

going to guild meeting today and will present your need. please send me your address.

Anne said...

Hi Carol. I'd love to contribute a pillowcase or two for your friend. Everything is packed up right now but we're moving on the 20th, so hopefully not too long after that I can get going on them. I've missed "chatting" with you. Haven't been on the blogs much. Between packing and sewing for Anne, I haven't had a minute to spare. Sometime you need to come to market with Lynda!

Anonymous said...

Count me in!

Deborah said...

Glad to help.

Diane said...

I will be honored to help with this.

Unknown said...

I sooo want to help. my email is Sallieim@comcast.net

Anonymous said...

God bless you and your friend. I would be honored to have the opportunity to contribute pillow cases. Please count me in.

Karen said...

My heart goes out to your friend and her family. What an amazing lady. My niece just got diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer, she is only 36 and has four children. Love to make a couple of pillowcases. Let me know the deadline for delivery.

Vivian said...

I will be honored to help with 2 or 3 pillowcases. Your friend is one of the saints who walks this earth, and we WILL help out in this difficult time for her. I'm a military mom and connected to this project as well that way.
Thank you so much for bringing this to our attention.

Anne Heidi said...

I would be happy to make a few pillowcases. Kristine is going to spend the summer with her dad in Texas, so she can mail them to you from there, that way they won't be held up in customs. Let me know if there is a special pattern I need to use :-)

Karen said...

What a wonderful friend you have and she has in you! Please count me in. Just send me the details.

Ann said...

I've never made a pillowcase but I'm wrilling to give it a try. Your friend is an angel on earth and I'd like to help her cause.

Anonymous said...

Carol, my email address is navymomz64@gmail.com. Please send me the address I should use for mailing the pillowcases. Thank you.

Sonia F said...

Just happen to read your blog. God works in mysterious ways. My prayers are with your friend, her family and you. Thanks for taking on this worthwhile cause. My email sonidofo@gmail.com. It will be my pleasure to send some pillow cases.

Sonia F said...

Carol I was typing without reading my mail My emai should read sonidofol@gmail.com Will send pillowcases and spread the word.

Unknown said...

I would be honored to help.

Sandra said...

I would be happy to send you a couple of pillowcases. Good luck!

Deb said...

Gosh, I feel speechless after reading your blog. Yes, I will make some red/white/blue pillow cases!! I live in town with an Air Force base, and I know how much these kinds of acts help the morale of our troops.

Deb from clutteredquilter.blogspot.com
email: quiltdeb@gmail.com

Kim Brackett said...

I'm so sorry to hear about your friend. She sounds like such a special lady. I'd love to help out.

StitchinByTheLake said...

I already have the perfect fabric for a pillowcase - I'd love to make one for this project. blessings, marlene

Page 8 said...

Count me in too! I have two ready to go..

Page 8 said...

Count me in too. I have two ready to go. I am very sorry that your friend must face this battle.

Yumm yumz by patticakes said...

Count me in! I'm known as the Pillowcase lady around here for my work with ConKerr Cancer http://www.conkerrcancer.org/

I will be sure and make some pillowcases AND keep your friend in my prayers!

God bless!

Marie said...

Count me in.

Sparky said...

When a heart is open, it allows us to fill it with love...count me in...

JustPam said...

I would like to help with this also. When do you need them?

Janet said...

I'll definitely make at least one pillow case and if you decide to do a quilt for her I would love to make a block. I need a pattern for the pillowcase. I can follow the link AnnieO has provided unless you have a better pattern.

Grammy Staffy said...

What a wonderful cause. I want to help.
7 weeks ago I was in a bad traffic accident on the freeway and broke 16 bones. I just got home from the hospital and I can't sew yet but hopefully I can in a month or so. Please let me know the dimensions you want and I will look forward to healing enough to make at least one pillowcase for this sweet lady and good cause. I wish your friend the very best of luck.
Thanks, Grammy Lura

Michelle May-The Raspberry Rabbits said...

Bless her heart and bless you. I would love to make some. Please send me your address.
xx, shell

Mom and Dad said...

I'm in!

Mom and Dad said...

Count me in!

Gmama Jane said...

I'm honored to join in such a worthy project!! Count me in! Send me an address and date you need these by!!
Gmama Jane

Michelle said...

Let me know the how, what's and when's, and I would be glad to help. Blessings, Michelle

Deborah Reynolds said...

Couldn't think of something I had rather do for such an amazing woman! Thanks for the opportunity!

Anonymous said...

This post touched my heart and I would love to make some pillowcases.

Here's my email:


Linda V said...

Add me to your list. I would like to make at least two pillowcases. Send me the mailing information and any details. Thanks for organizing this.
lvtig1 at gmail.com

Lena . . . said...

Oh my goodness - what a story and what a couple of wonderful ladies - you included. Sign me up also and send any information we may need.

Cornfield Quilter said...

I can do pillow cases!
Prayer are also being said for your wonderful friend!

Unknown said...

I lost my husband to leukemia 2 months ago after a month in the local veterans hospital undergoing chemo. This project is hitting 2 hot spots for me... totally count me in!

Don't know how many I will have done, but I will start on them this weekend!

My best to you and your brave friend.

Pamela V said...

Would love to help, LMK how. I have made ConKerr Pillowcases in the past and have enjoyed it.

Suzanne said...

I also made pillowcases for ConKer, so I've got the thing down pat. Just let me know where to send them.

Lee said...

Great project - I will make some. let me know where to send.

Sewmaggi said...

Hi Carol! I would love to make a couple of pillow cases to help out with such a worthy cause. And your friends story is on one hand so sad and on another very inspiring. If we could all be so brave.......

Janet O. said...

What a moving story and a remarkable woman! I am new to quilting blogland and just came across a link to your story about the need for pillowcases. I would be happy to make some--I can't do them immediately, but can definitely get them to you soon. I made a dozen pillowcases for Christmas gifts--I should be able to get back in the groove without too much trouble.

Diane Barfield said...

Please count me in. I will be retired in a few days and will have plenty of time to make a few pillowcases.


montanamom said...

Several of us gal in MT have been making pillowcases for our local nursing home and VA Hospital. We have given them all they can handle so this sounds like a great project for us. Count us in.

Dawnmarie's Life said...

Absolutely - Not sure how many, but I'll definitely get a couple or so done for you. Just get me a shipping address.

So sorry to hear about your friend. I'll be keeping her in my thoughts and prayers.

Candace said...

Count me in for at least a couple. When do you need them to be done.

QuiltingFitzy said...

Count me in for several. Please tell me your time frame.

KaHolly said...

Carrie sent me. :) I will do my best. Your amazing friend has an amazing friend in you! Please send me your address. ~karen

LuAnn said...

I am so sorry for your friend. What a beautiful thing she has done for our military. I would love to make some pillowcases.

Karen said...

Very sorry for your friend and her situation. Please have her see another specialist. My friend had stage 4 and after surgery & chemo she survived. Its been 5 yrs.
On the main topic I would happily provide r w & b pillow cases.
Please provide mail location...Karencg

Charlsey said...

I would be honored to participate. My thoughts and prayers to your friend. Let us know where and when to send the pillowcases.

Kris said...

Oh, Carol - Thank goodness for wonderful folks like you and your friend in this world!! A prayer is sent out for your friend and her family in this very difficult time and thank you for asking us to help!! I have some perfect fabric for some pillow cases - just let me know where to send them!!! Kris

aprilmecheelesdulllife said...

Carol, I am new to your blog.. I just came over from Shell's blog- Raspberry Rabbits!!! I would love to help. My email is taylor62@charter.net. So sorry about your friend. My prayers are going out..

Karen said...

I would like to participate, what a wonderful cause.


Patricia said...

I would like to participate.
Thank you for carrying on this worthwhile effort.


Gloria said...

I would be glad to make some pillowcase.

Gloria said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Becky said...

What a great idea - count me in!


Evita said...

I'm sure that I can make some pillowcases for sure. Please let me know where I need to send them. My prayers are with you for G'd to give you wisdom on how to be a comforter to your friend. Also my prayers are with your friend. G'd will sustain her and her deeds will be remembered for ever. Nothing happens in vain. Everything that happens is for a reason. Only G'd knows the "WHY". Evita

Lois H said...

I hope I not to late so if not please let me know what I can do.

Lois H said...

Hope I'm not to late, so if I'm not please let me know what I can do.

janieg said...

Let me know if I'm too late. Love to make some.
grohsbj@sbcglobal.net I hope yor friend is doing well.

Gabygert said...

Hi What a touching story. Hope your friend does well as there is alot they can do for her. Send me your address and I will try to get some pillowcases to you right away.
You are a wonderful person to fullfill this for your friend. I will keep you both in my prayers.


Gabygert said...

Please count me in. I tried to post earlier and it wouldn't let me. Your friend is amazing and I hope that she does well as there are alot of things that they can do for her. You are a great friend to fullfill her commitment for her.
My address