Thank you so much Finn and leah s...I knew that you all would have the answer. I wasn't putting it on my computer I was just trying to download from the camera and it just wasn't working. I am so excited that I learned something new today. Well, here is my Bowtie quilt that I talked about a couple of days ago. Lots of fun and looks really old. When I have it quilted I'll take another picture. My husband left this morning at 6am for a business trip to Denver. He'll be gone until Wednesday afternoon. Needless to say I have lots of sewing time planned. I must spend some time today working on the baby quilt for my son and daughter-in-law's first baby. I'm going to be a grandma for the first time. There is a shower for them on the 27th of this month so I'll have the top done and show it to them but then I'll have to get it quilted. Nothing like doing this by the seat of my pants. Well, I do always work better with a deadline. Off to the sewing room! Thank you again for your help. I'm having lots of fun!
Hi Carol, Welcome to the wonderful world of blogging! A quilt shop with a Primitive Look - wish I was closer! :-) Love that bow tie quilt!
Yes, it does look old. A perfect quilt top in my humble opinion!
I love how the "stripes" in the alternate blocks go every direction with no rhyme or reason. :)
And what a great stash of fabric I see the background!
Primitive quilts are my favorite. The bowtie looks great, glad you were able to post a photo.
Hi Carol, so happy that you managed to get the picture thing conquered! Where there is a will there is a way..*VBS* The bow ties look wonderful..and are one of my most favorite patterns to piece. It's nice to see pictures of your quilts. Hugs, Finn
The quilt is fabulous - I love the repro fabrics as you know.
Hi Caroil.. I love this quilt It looks so cozy
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